The Intelligent Design movement is basically not Christian (although some individuals therein are Christians). It recognizes that irreducible complexity, for example, requires intelligence. However God the Creator as described in the Bible is not recognized or linked to His creation.
- A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism has a long list of scientists, most with a PhD degree, who are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutations and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.
- Answers In Genesis (AIG) explains how the secular intelligent design movement interprets creation apart from the biblical account.
- Biologic Institute presents the scientific case for intelligent design in biology.
- Conservapedia has an extensive discussion of intelligent design.
- Christian Ministries International has some videos and articles on intelligent design.
- Creation Ministries International (CMI) has a few articles on the intelligent design movement.
- Creation Studies Institute has several articles on intelligent design.
- CreationWiki has a list of many articles on intelligent design.
- Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture promotes Intelligent Design and has much information on current events, lectures, research, education, academic freedom, and resources.
- Got Questions Ministries answers questions on intelligent design.
- Institute for Creation Research (ICR) has many articles on intelligent design.
- Intelligent Design is from the Discovery Institute and presents topics in science and education.
- Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center is a forum for fostering better understanding of intelligent design and creation-evolution issues.
- Intelligent Design Network seeks objectivity in origins science and has several articles on intelligent design.
- NW Creation Network presents several articles on intelligent design.
- Privileged Species has links to the films Fire-Maker, Privileged Species, and Biology of the Baroque featuring Dr. Michael Denton. It also has links to explanations of how carbon, liquid and frozen water, oxygen, the human larynx, and man’s capability to harness fire are unique and how Earth is designed for discovery.